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Submit Your Presentation, Panel, Talk, or Q&A Proposal

NOTE: It is advised to prepare the content of the overview in a word document or other similar format.

Type of Speaker Role:
  • Individual Presentations will be given by one student. Each presentation will take 30 minutes, including audience interaction or questions. Consider these helpful guidelines.

  • Panels will comprise of two to four people, including students, faculty, staff, and community partners. Each panel will take 30 minutes, including audience interaction or questions. Consider these helpful guidelines.

  • Talks will be each given by one student. Talks will take 15 minutes, and information will stand by itself without a Q&A.  Consider these helpful guidelines.

  • Q&A’s -Q&A’s will each be given by one student, with audience participation. Q&As will take 15 minutes, beginning with a 5-minute overview of the discussion topic, followed by 10-minutes of responses to questions from the audience.


Prepare a word document containing a one to three-paragraph overview (150 - 500 words) of the:
a) Project or community-based volunteer experience that addresses the theme
   i) Goal of the project or experience being presented
   ii) Role of students in the project or experience (individually or in groups), and some of the skills or actions required to be successful
   iii) Progress, impacts, or opportunities for further experiences 

b) Role of the audience viewing your presentation (not for Talks)

c) Opportunities for the audience to connect with you afterward if any.
   For example, social media handle, email, and student groups on campus.

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Thanks for submitting!
A member of our team will contact you within 2 to 3 business days.


This event was made possible with the generous support
of our funder.

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